It has excellent facilities including, sprung floor area, Balance Beams, Vaulting table, Asymmetric bars, Tumble track, Mini tramps and fast track, all classes are taught by BGA qualified and CRB checked coaches. The club is also Gym Mark and Sport England approved.
Please read the club rules for your information and child’s safety and enjoyment.
British Gymnastics Association (BGA) British Gymnastics is the official governing body for gymnastics within the UK
London Gymnastics Federation (LGF) London Gymnastics is affiliated to British Gymnastics and Gymnastics England and supports the work of Londons clubs, coaches, gymnasts and judges.
Recreational Gymnastics
These classes teach fundamental and exciting gymnastic skills on the Vault, Bars, Beam, Floor, Tumble track, Mini tramp and Fast track.
The Gymnasts have the opportunity to work towards the British Gymnastics Association award scheme on the Floor and Vault as well as the clubs own developmental and progressive reward scheme on the Vault, Bars, Beam and Floor. Please see the notice board for further information on both these schemes. These classes are suitable girls 5 years+ of all abilities. Courses are payable by the term.
Please note that no refunds will be given for any class once the fees have been paid. If you do not return your payment and form by the given date we will assume you no longer require the space and you will be taken off the register.
Mayfield Gymnastics Club also runs classes for gymnasts wishing to train and compete up to and including National level gymnastics.
These classes are by pre-selection only. Separate timetable available.
For further information please see Senior Head Coach, Jane Swinbourne.
Pre-School Classes
We are not currently running pre-school classes